An Artist Statement (Fruit Sticker Artist that is)

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Mesa Verde Progress As Of July 4th

Downtown Mesa Verde The Door is a Jar       Progress as of 03/10/2010

Current Project 01/28/2010

by Barry “Wildman” Snyder
Almost World Renowned Food Sticker Mosaic Artist

S.O.S. Foundation (Save Our Stickers)

I ask you to pause for a moment, and think about the humble food sticker. Performing his (or her) appointed duty without complaint. Without these noble stickers our food distribution system would utterly collapse! Modern Society would simply starve to death!

And yet, once they arrive at their new home, reveling in the successful completion of their noble mission, these stickers are callously cast away, fated to some foul-smelling landfill! Is this fair? Is this right? NO! I say they deserve better. Now there is hope!

S.O.S. the Save Our Stickers Foundation provides a new home and a meaningful purpose to these unassuming stalwarts of our supermarket lifestyles. Won’t you please help? If you could find the compassion in your heart to simply peel these valiant warriors off the skins of your preferred produce and then place them, sticky side down, on a piece of notepaper (paper, not plastic) they can live as artwork, (united with thousands of fellow food stickers as part of a symbiotic visual presentation), bringing joy to young and old alike.

Please send your stickers to:
Barry “Wildman” Snyder
POB 301
Erie, CO 80516

With you there is hope!


4 responses

13 11 2012

I absolutely LOVE the pickle jar. Beautiful work, Barry!

15 11 2012

Thanks. It took many thousands of stickers and significantweighygainAND wellover a year worth of persistance to complete.

7 01 2013
verdood eugene

Hi Anne, I received a message from you and to answer your question,
I just can tell you that it would be nice to send fruit stickers to improve my collection (30000 pieces !!) Sorry, my english is not so good as I am living in Belgium and we are french speaking. Thank you for a response I hope positive. Cheers. Eugène from Belgium

2 12 2012

Are you still looking for stickers? This is a bit out of date. You work is so fine and detailed. The ultimate reuse mosaic art project.

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